miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Matter of humanity

Ebola has arrived to Spain  two days ago and some people is worrying about death, obviously they have began to worry now, because during the years before, they didn´t take into consideration to live a plenty life and they wasted their time in stupid things.

People didn´t realise that the key to inmortality is living a life worth remembering and to be ready for dying, ilness doesn´t know nothing about protector walls against them. It´s not a matter of countries, it´s a matter of humanity.

Our government have expent enormous quantities of money looking for new massive destruction weapons and at the moment they didn´t notice that the perfect weapon is the man.

We are living in a global world where the rich countries buy security with the poor countries´ blood and we feel very proud of us when our politician said to us they are making a new wall, however I ask myself, a wall against what and who? A wall against illness? a wall against poverty? a wall against the rest of people who live in poor countries? a wall against human brotherhood?

Perhaps the best answer is they are making a wall against ourselves, because in a short future we won´t have first and third world in different areas of the planet, we will have first and third world in the same city and then, they are going to make walls for separating wealthy people and unfortunate people.

Our only chance is a new beginning far from this planet and it must start with a feeling of real brotherhood among the different cultures.

Finally, I would like to say that I am ready for dying, I am not scared about death, I am in peace with myself.

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